Seminars, Teachings, and Schools:

I. Supernatural School - 13 Classes

  • History of the Holy Spirit and Revivalists

  • The Holy Spirit & The Spirit Filled Life

  • The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

  • Prophetic Gifts & Hearing The Voice Of God

  • Faith & Authority

  • Healing

  • Deliverance

  • Dreams & Visions

  • Prayer and Encountering God

  • Activations

II. Prophetic Ministry

  •  History of the Prophetic

  • Prophets & Gift of Prophecy

  • Seers and other prophetic Types

  • Understanding False Prophets

  • How to Receive a Prophetic Word

  • Everyday Prophetic Life / Prophetic Evangelism

  • Impartation and Activation

III. Healing Ministry

  • History of Healing

  • Biblical foundation

  • Healing Models

  • Petition, Commanding, Creative Authority

  • Word Of Knowledge— Faith & Rhema

  • Activation

  • Healing Explosion Meetings!

IV. Prophetic Evangelism

  • Spirit Filled Life

  • Prophetic Gifts

  • Evangelism Methods

  • Treasure Hunts

  • Activation

V. Prayer 

  • The Lords Prayer

  • Spiritual Warfare, Intersession, and Supplication

  • Tabernacle Prayer

VI. Deliverance & Freedom

  • Biblical Foundation of Deliverance

  • Authority vs Power

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Removing the Enemies Rights

  • Forgiveness and Inner Healing

  • Steps to Freedom

  • Building Lasting Walls

  • Group prayer and freedom

 VII. Cell Models for City Transformation

  • Understanding Vision

  • Understanding True Evangelism

  • Biblical History of Evangelism - Discipleship

  • Multiplication

  • Traditional Church vs. Cell Church

  • Cells vs Home Groups

  • Mobilizing for Impact

  • Holy Spirit Power

  • Training Leaders

  • Keys to Growth and Fruitfulness

  • The Power of Goals

 VIII. Women In Ministry

  • Historical Background

  • Opposing Views

  • Greek and Cultural Study

  • Examples of Women in Ministry

  • Truth is a Straight Line.