Healing Testimonies:


 Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, and Jesus

We put together a small team to minister and train people in Haiti. I hadn’t been there before but heard it was very poor and a very difficult place to live. When we arrived, it was very surreal. I had been in many nations, but I had never encountered anything like this. The airport was filled with people begging for money. It was almost a little scary to say the least. Because of theft, we were instructed to keep a tight grip on our bags. Our ride came and took us across the city then up the mountain to our location. I watched in shock as we passed many people begging for food. The country was beautiful, but the scenes of poverty were heartbreaking.

 Our first destination was a judge’s home. It was a large home in the mountains outside of Port Au Prince. When we arrived, the large living room, or great room, was filled with several people. I asked my friend the Judge, “what is all this?” She said, “we decided to have you share tonight.” She had invited people from the United Nations, Judges, and other political people from the region to hear me speak. We were all tired and really needed time to rest from the trip. I requested enough time for us all to change and clean up.

 When I came in the room again, some of our Haitian leaders lead the group in some French worship songs. During the worship the Holy Spirit began to move, I could feel the anointing begin to come upon me. As I looked around the room, I clearly could see various women that had demonic spirits. I thought, oh man, it’s going to be one of those nights.

 After worship, Pastor Jake, our young adult’s leader shared his testimony. Then the Lord said to me, speak on the friendship of God. When they introduced me, I shared for a while, then I could feel a weighty glory. I closed my eyes and waited for a moment. When I looked up a neon sign appeared above the head of Haitian Judge. It was an open vision. From time to time the Lord will show me things like this to highlight something to pray for. The sign said tumors. My faith was now very high and I said the Lord wants to heal tumors tonight. When I said that, the women grabbed her chest and ran forward to me. She had a large tumor on her breast. When I called out tumors, the Holy Spirit touched her and her tangerine sized tumor became very hot and began to shrink. Four other ladies came forward and their tumors began to shrink, then disappear. It was powerful and many were crying in the room. At that time, I asked them if they needed prayer to come forward and allow our team to pray for them. Many were healed of all kinds of ailments. Finally, under the presence of God, many of the oppressed began to manifest. Well-dressed politicians began to fall to the ground and groan and shake as they began to be delivered from demonic spirits. After praying for nearly everyone, we gave an alter call for people to receive Jesus. All but one person gave their lives to Jesus that night. It wasn’t my speaking skills that compelled them to surrender to Jesus, it was the open display of the love and power of God.

 Healing in the remote village of Les Cayes

The pastor that we were working with, setup some meetings in a remote city far down the coast of Haiti. We rented a large SUV, packed our gear, and loaded the team to head out for a missions adventure. We drove about 5 hours which seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere. I thought, if we ever broke down here, we would be in a dangerous mess. The poverty was immense, public bathrooms were almost nonexistent. I could feel that God was with us, and we knew that He was going to do something powerful in this village.

 That evening we were to do an open-air meeting in a small field. We arrived early to setup everything. Tarps were stretched overhead to give some relief to the hot sun. There was no electricity, so we had to setup lanterns for that evening. It was 3rd world ministry 101. However, we knew the Lord loved these people deeply, we were there to give them the gospel.


The meeting started, people worshiped for nearly an hour. The children had a few special songs with dance. Then finally they introduced us. I shared the simple gospel for a short time. I could feel the power of God beginning to manifest. My heart was pounding on the inside, I knew this was the moment why we were here. We proclaimed the loving salvation message, now it was time to demonstrate it. We had the people line up that wanted prayer. Then we had our team spread out and begin to pray for people. At times the power of God was so intense that you knew with every fiber inside of you that Jesus would heal the person in front of you.  In my line, we would interview many of the people that were healed. We had two ladies healed of “sun blindness.” They were both about 90% blind. I prayed for the first lady, tested her eyesight then prayed again. After a few times praying her sight slowly returned. As she told her testimony, the Haitian pastor was jumping and screaming with excitement. The next lady’s eyesight came quick and easy. We were all praising God; it was so exciting.

 Many were healed of tumors, stomach issues, pain, arthritis, and so many other ailments. During this time, it felt like the presence of God was so strong, it felt like Jesus was standing next to us. We have video footage of many of these healings. I watch it from time to time just to stir my own faith.

 We had a few more meetings in Haiti. Our team still talks about how life changing those meetings were. I watched Jake, one of our Pastors, pray for a man that had a short leg. He lined up the legs and had people look to verify. Then he began to command the leg to grow out. It slowly came out about an inch or so, and finally reached the correct length. These types of miracles our team has seen hundreds of times through the years. It is so exciting to watch God manifest His love through healing.


 Blind women with white eyes.

In May of 2023, I joined a team formulated by Randy Clark’s ministry Global Awakening. We ministered in Ribeirão Preto Brazil. The healing prayer team was comprised of people that signed up to serve from all around the world. We prayed for the sick about twice a day. Each meeting we seen hundreds of miracles. The total number of miracles were somewhere around 4000 with 18,000 in total attendance.

At the end of each teaching or preaching session, the team would line up across the front of the stage and we would take turns calling out words of knowledge. Then the people in the audience would come forward to that specific person for prayer for their ailment. A woman about ten feet down from me called out a word of knowledge for blind eyes. During that prayer time, she prayed for a total of 22 blind or nearly blind people. Some had one bad eye, some both. She told us later that she was intimidated to give that word. She did not feel qualified, but knew the Lord was leading her.

 As she prayed for people God was miraculously healing them. Some quickly and some over 10 to 15 minutes, which is a long time in that environment. After God healed about 10 people in her line, she looked at the next women. She was completely blind. She had white eyes and had to be led to her for prayer. When she looked at the white eyes, she said it was very intimidating and fear filled her heart. Then she thought, Jesus healed these others, why can’t He heal this woman?  So, she put her hand on her head and commanded the eyes to be healed. Nothing happened. She tried a few more times with no success. About the fourth time she prayed for her, the blind women began to feel the presence of God. Soon she could see shadows, then could see a bit more, and then was completely healed. They watched as God created a pupil and iris. The excitement in the helpers around the women was uncontainable. People were shouting praises to Jesus.


 Lungs healed.

Many times while ministering in Mexico we have seen God manifest his healing power. I remember one meeting in particular, it was about 115 degrees in the church. They utilized large fans to try and cool the air. We were all dripping with perspiration. During the worship time, I remember thinking, if we don’t hurry up, I’m going to pass out. However, when I got up to preach, I felt the anointing cover me and I felt energized.

 After the message I began to call out words of knowledge. A man came forward that was an auto body painter. He said his lungs were failing. One lung was already nearly dead. I asked him if he believed Jesus could heal him. He stared at me for a while and then said yes, I do. We began to pray, and the presence of God fell upon him. I remember feeling that beautiful surge of power go from me into him. He started to cry and began to take large breaths.  I’m healed; I’m healed, I’m healed! Again, I had him breathe deeply to test it, but there was no longer any restriction to his breathing. He was healed.

 After that, healing began to break out and many testimonies came forward of Jesus lovingly healing their bodies. A few years later, the same man approached me after another meeting and told me he was the man healed of the bad lung. He had stated that his doctor confirmed that his lung was remarkably now healthy. This was a verified and authentic healing. Praise Jesus.

 Crippled hands with arthritis:

Another time while in Mexico, I finished preaching and began to call out words of knowledge. Many came forward for different types of issues. Some for deliverance for witchcraft, some depression, and others for healing. I could feel the anointing shift for healing.

 As a side note, sometimes you have to train the local helpers not to help pray. I want them to catch and then do follow-up ministry once I’m done with the person. Too many times helpers get excited and jump in and start shouting and shaking a person. Though their intentions are good, it can really hinder the flow of God’s presence. Emotion doesn’t heal, faith, and authority brings healing.

 At the altar time in our meeting in Mexico, I could feel the healing anointing. We don’t operate out of feeling but out of faith. That being said, I do love it when I can feel His presence. A women came up with crippled hands. I looked at her and I heard, “arthritis” in my spirit. I asked her and she confirmed. Then I heard “bitterness and offense.” So, I asked her if she was a bitter person. She began to tell of the many hurtful things that her family and friends had done to her. With much compassion I listened but then directed her to forgiveness. She resisted, so I asked the Holy Spirit to come. She then began to soften and cry. She finally said she was willing to forgive. I walked her through the process, and she released one person after another. Then I felt released to command the spirit of arthritis to leave her. It took a few minutes then she began to expel large breaths. I knew the spirit had left. Then I commanded the pain to leave and the hands to be healed. In Spanish she declared, “the pain is gone!” Next, the Lord said to have her open and close her hands until full motion comes back. This process took about five minutes. This was slow at first, but the more she worked her hands the more the full range of mobility came back. She began to be filled with joy and declared that she can now crochet again! We all thanked Jesus!



 Testicular Cancer healed

We were a part of a large conference in Argentina. The attendance at night was around 3000-4000 people. During the day we helped train leaders. The evening meetings were more evangelism based. Those meetings were advertised as powerful nights of healing and freedom. We encouraged everyone to bring their friends and those that needed a healing touch from Jesus.

 During the last evening of these meetings, the team had prayed for a large amount of people. Many were quickly healed of minor things, aches, pains, and other things. But then I was instructed to pray for a man that had cancer. I felt faith heavy on me. I looked at the man and thought wow is he sick! He was greenish looking, frail, and expressionless. He explained that he had stage 4 Testicular cancer. He just got out of surgery a few days before to remove some tumor tissue out of his lungs. I quickly rebuked fear off of myself, then looked at him with a determined look and said, “do you believe Jesus can heal you?” He was quiet, but finally said yes. When I touched him, he fell back into the arms of the catchers. They laid him on the floor. I heard the Holy Spirit say to rebuke the spirit of infirmity. I began to command the spirit of cancer to leave him. This went on for about 10 minutes. Then all of a sudden he began to shake and then it was gone. Instantly the Lord said to release the healing heat of His presence. I didn’t ask questions; I just did what He said. I put my hand on his head and commanded the release the heat of God’s healing presence. As I continued, the top of his bald head turned red, this continued then down to ears, mouth, neck, then he said the heat was going down his whole body. I got excited and was praising Jesus. Then he yelled, “get me up, I’m healed!” We picked him up and then I noticed the back of his shirt was stained with blood. When he fell backward to the floor, it caused his stitches on his back to bleed. He was shouting, I’m healed, I’m healed. I asked about his back and he said his back was fine and that Jesus healed him!

 We assisted with that same conference the following year and I seen him there again. He told me that after he made it back home to Buenos Aires, he went to see his Doctor. They checked him over and they reported no sign of cancer anywhere. All the cancer and tumors were indeed gone. He now looked muscular and full of life! Jesus is the healer.

 Burundi Africa:

 A foul stench

Burundi is a poor but beautiful country. My heart burns to see it saved. Because of the poverty many people do not have the opportunity to get proper medical care. We visited many churches and in each people came to with expectation to see God heal.

 Whether we were at a large or small church, the expectation and group faith was rich. They anticipated God to move. In an atmosphere like that anything is possible, the impossible began to happen!

 A women came that had a fouls stench. She would bath often and wear whatever perfume was available. She couldn’t control it. The doctors could not cure it. She was hopeless and always embarrassed. What a terrible thing to live with. I prayed for many people that night. To be honest I don’t remember smelling anything, I get into another zone when I am under the weighty anointing. We began to see many healings of all kinds. She then received prayer and the power of God came upon her. She was instantly delivered, I believe from a spirit of infirmity.

 A day or so later the Pastor over that region showed me the large list of testimonies. He highlighted the women with the foul odor. He said that when she came home that night her husband noticed right a way. Then the next day she was shocked that she was still free and completely healed. Praise God!

 Ears healed in the jungle:

We drove deep into the jungle of Burundi Africa. The roads were beyond terrible. An average American SUV would have been in pieces. This was an area where you need a special vehicle to handle these conditions.  We went up a mountain as far as we could in the vehicle, then we hiked about another miles or two uphill to the church.

 When we arrived, I noticed the people were very short. My son Bobby, who is much taller than I am, looked like a giant compared to the locals. We later were told by the pastor that this was a Pygmy village.

 You could hear the people worshiping a long way off. When we arrived, the church was packed out. The news spread around that region and they were anticipating God to move. I could feel the faith in the church.

 Another team member, Pastor Ron Kinnear, preached the message. Then he turned the meeting over to me to pray for the sick. I began to tell stories of how God had been healing many people in our meetings in Burundi. As I gave words of knowledge, I felt the Lord say to pray for ears. We had about 25 people come forward that needed prayer for ears. Many began to get healed as we began to declare healing over them. Some we touched, some we did not. God was present to heal.

 A girl that was 13 years old was one of the people that came forward. She was born deaf and dumb. She had no hearing at all, zero. As many people began to react to the anointing and fall to the ground, her faith escalated. Her ears opened and she began to cry. We began to test the ears and now she could hear very well. That is a notable miracle when someone that is completely deaf now hears.

 Hip healed.

We stayed in rustic bunk house outside of a jungle village in Burundi. The bunk house was across the courtyard of a large brick church. We were all tired from a ministry meeting that went very late the night before. That next morning was Sunday, we awoke with the sound of people worshiping the Lord. There was excitement mounting in the surroundings villages. Many had heard about the meetings and how God had saved, healed, and delivered many people.

 After a two-hour plus worship time my son Bobby gave a short exhortation, then a few more worship songs, then I spoke. The

United States:

Severe Allergies

Serving at church youth camp has always been a great joy. One night while in the evening meetings, the Holy Spirit was present in a very strong way. Many kids received the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was a wonderful night in God’s presence.

During that same night, a young girl around the age of ten came up to me. She said that God had spoken to her. The Lord told her that if she would have me pray for her then the Lord would heal her. I of course asked what her issues was. She began to review a long list of allergies that she had lived with. It seemed she was allergic to almost everything.  She was crying and had a hard time talking. I remember I had her go get her mother then I would pray. Her mother came and verified the long list of issues. I could feel in my heart the concern the Lord had for her. Her sincere faith was so moving. I then put my hand next to her head and commanded the spirit of infirmity to leave. She began to cry again. You could see the battle going on. Then she began to release this invader. Then I heard the Holy Spirit, He said, “release the heat of my healing presence.” I then put my hand on her and declared that God would release the heat of His healing presence. She began to get extremely hot, sweaty, and turned red. I was thanking the Lord as I watched. Then she declared, “I’m healed, I’m healed! I know I’m healed! I told her to thank Jesus, then I gave her a big hug. Her mother took her directly to a snack stand and had her try things that she could not eat. Not one reaction.


Years later I met her parents at a conference. They introduced themselves to me and reminded me of the night Jesus healed their daughter. They said that she was attending Bible college. She travels on the children’s outreach ministry team and shares that story to kids all over that region.

Women with a tumor

I was in my office studying, when a young couple burst in said they needed to talk. Surprised I asked them if everything was ok. The women began to cry. Because of the tears her husband had to explain their situation. She had just received a report from the doctor that she had a tumor preventing her from getting pregnant. This tumor was in the worst possible place. They could remove it, but at the risk of her never being able to conceive. I put me hand on her shoulder, when I did, I heard a dark demonic voice that said, “she will die at a young age.” I told her what I heard. She explained that she’s been hearing that in her head for a month or so. I commanded that spirit to leave and her body reacted, and the spirit left. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say to look into her abdomen, I looked at her stomach area and then went into a detailed vision of her insides. It was like looking at a Cat scan picture. I could see the tumor and where it was lodged. The moment I seen the tumor faith fell upon me. I heard the Holy Spirit say, curse that thing!” I reacted and with authority and said, “I curse that tumor.” Still in the vision I watch the tumor shrink and vanish. All was gone except a fragment of material. Her body contorted and she grabbed her stomach area. She began to say, I’m healed, I’m healed. We all began to thank Jesus!

After about a month, the couple came back to my office. They said they had great confirming news. She just had another checkup. The doctor was shocked that everything was gone. Two years later she gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl.

Young lady in the wheelchair – metal disappeared.

On a Sunday morning I arrived very early at the church. A week earlier I had attended a revival that was very refreshing. I felt so close to God, it was wonderful. I flew home, and that week it seemed like that whole week was a demonic attack. It was such a strange week, lust, anger, frustration, people upset with me, it was ridiculous. That Saturday, I remember thinking what is happening to me? Then I realized this was the devil trying to steal what God had done in that conference. At that moment I knew the Lord spoke to me. I decided to get up very early Sunday morning and go to the church and pray. I locked my office door and cried out to the Lord for a very long time with desperation. I said, “Lord, don’t make me minister like this.” I cried out and laid on the floor calling out to Jesus. After about an 90 minutes I felt a shift in the room. Then all of a sudden an intensity of His presence came, it looked like white fire came in the room through the north wall. I shook and covered my face. I was trembling with the fear of the Lord. I felt the presence of God hover over me then it began to dissipate. Soon the light went back to normal and I laid there in tears. The presence of God was still tangible. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to lay there and worship.


I looked at my watch and thought oh no, the service is starting. I got up and cleaned myself up. I noticed I was trembling on the inside. I was thinking, what is happening, this was different than what I had experienced before. I put on my mic and grabbed my Bible. As I walked out of my office, I had a sensation of an angel walking with me. I walked to the sanctuary and the same sense of an angle was there. I thought, is this the Lord, or an angel?


When it came for my time to minister that morning, the presence of God heightened. I preached a short message about the anointing. The Holy Spirit filled the sanctuary. Then I had that sensation again of the angel standing next to me. I called people forward that wanted freedom. The altar was filled with many hungry people. As I would stand in front of the person they would tremble and shake without me touching them. Many began to manifest demonic spirits. One man I stood in front of began to manifest and mucus instantly when down to his knees. I put my hand on him and commanded that spirit to leave. God was doing powerful things.


As we finished that meeting, a man yelled out from the back of the church, “please pray for my daughter.” A girl was in a wheelchair next to the man. The Lord said to have him bring her in front of the church. So I asked them to come to the front. She said she shattered her ankle and had pins in her foot. Her cast and leg were elevated by a brace attached to the chair. I felt the Holy Spirit impress upon me to ask how she was doing with the Lord as I got close to her she began to tremble and stated she wanted to rededicate her life to Jesus. This was very touching as we prayed together a prayer of recommitment. I then got down on one knee and was going to pray and a scripture came out of my mouth from the Holy Spirit. “The promises of God are ye and amen!” When I said amen, I felt an intense power come down my arm and into my hand. I seen with my own eyes, an anointing, a flame, electricity, I don’t know exactly what it was, but it looked like a white spark came out of my hand and went into her cast and foot. She jumped out of the chair and ran around the whole church! People were cheering and praising Jesus!


A few weeks later this same young women came and updated me on her condition. She said that she went back to the doctor. They took an Xray and couldn’t find pins. There was no trace of any broken bones, so they removed the cast. This was so exciting to hear the full report. So many times we only get to see what happens at the time of ministry, but praise Jesus she was fully healed!

Sick guest speaker healed at a youth conference.

I was at a youth conference in Wisconsin. I was not the speaker, I was simply there to support the leaders running the event. There were many teens from all around the region, the excitement was mounting for the evening meeting.

A youth pastor approached me and said that the Youth Evangelist was sick in the back room and didn’t think he could speak. As I was being told about the situation, the Holy Spirit told me to pray for him and God would heal him. With a confident and serious look, I relayed the message to the leader. They went and got him and brought him to me. I could see that his eyes were swelled up and he sounded terrible. He said I feel so sick I think I need to go to the hotel. I said, “the Lord told me to pray for you and He would heal you!” He was a little shocked and agreed to be prayed for. I had one other leader lay hands on him and pray with me. I commanded the spirit of infirmity to leave, cursed any virus, then I commanded the sickness to be healed. The flu like symptoms immediately stopped. I had him try to breath a few times, and within minutes his lungs and sinuses were opening back up. He left to go in the green room to rest.

Before he was to speak, he came out and found me. He was in shock. He said, “do you have some kind of gift?” I laughed and said, “just thank Jesus, there are a lot of kids here tonight that need you to minister to them. He was very thankful and God moved greatly that night!